(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[3x30 byo-yomi] PW[Terence McSweeney]PB[Fernando Ochoa]WR[1d]BR[4d]DT[2008-11-09]EV[3rd Korean Prime Ministers Cup]RO[1]PC[Kintex, Goyang, South Korea]RE[W+6.50] ;B[dp] ;W[pd] ;B[dc] ;W[pp] ;B[nc] ;W[qf] ;B[jd] ;W[cf] ;B[de]C[from here i dont know the fuseki] ;W[bd] (;B[ce] ;W[be] ;B[ch]C[i wasnt sure how to deal with this move, seems C12 should be played first as that is joseki. c15 seems wrong.] (;W[cg] ;B[dh] ;W[cc] (;B[db] ;W[eg] (;B[fe]C[this seems too passive] ;W[ef] (;B[cl] ;W[lc] ;B[ld] ;W[kc] ;B[kd] (;W[jc] ;B[ic] ;W[mc] (;B[nd]C[this is wrong by black] (;W[ib]C[but Jun Fan 7d thinks its better to make secure life on the side] ;B[hc] ;W[hb] ;B[md] ;W[gc] ;B[gd] ;W[fc] ;B[ee]C[this is good for white. i wasnt confident that the group was alive though. ] (;W[pb] ;B[mb] ;W[lb] ;B[nb] ;W[ja]C[i didnt need this exchange to secure life however and should have taken sente] ;B[nq] ;W[lq] ;B[qq] ;W[pq] ;B[qp] ;W[po] ;B[pr] ;W[or] ;B[qr] ;W[oq] ;B[qn] ;W[iq] (;B[gq]C[this wasnt good by black, san-san becomes huge and the only move to play] ;W[cq] ;B[cp] ;W[dq] ;B[eq] ;W[er] ;B[fr] (;W[bp]C[this was a mistake from me, i should atari at e4 first] ;B[bo] ;W[bq] ;B[cn] ;W[ds] ;B[gg] (;W[eh] (;B[ei] ;W[fi] ;B[ej] ;W[gh] ;B[hh] ;W[hi] ;B[ih] ;W[ii] (;B[qh]C[this is suprising from black, K11 is the only move, K12 should now be the only move for me] (;W[om] ;B[ip] ;W[jq] ;B[hq] ;W[fj] ;B[ek] ;W[qm] ;B[rn] ;W[jh] ;B[ji] (;W[ph]C[this is a bad move] ;B[pi] ;W[pg] ;B[qj]C[this exchange makes black stronger] ;W[jg] ;B[if] ;W[ki] ;B[jj] ;W[lh] ;B[of]TR[ji][jj]C[this move made me nervous about my corner, i should probably attack blacks two marked stones however] (;W[nh] ;B[qc] ;W[pc] ;B[rf] ;W[qe] ;B[re] ;W[rd] ;B[qg] ;W[pf] ;B[pn] ;W[on] ;B[pm] ;W[ho] ;B[ik] ;W[gl] ;B[hl] ;W[fl] ;B[gm] ;W[hm] ;B[im] ;W[hn] ;B[fn]C[unfortunately i didnt record any further moves, but there was an exchange in stones which was favourable for me. this led to a tight engame but i was under much less time pressure and find the biggest moves to make the 6.5 difference]) (;W[lk]) (;W[ho] ;B[hp] ;W[jl])) (;W[kh] ;B[jj] (;W[hf]) (;W[if])) (;W[jg] ;B[if] ;W[ki] ;B[jj] ;W[og]C[now i can make a severe attack on the black stone])) (;W[jh] (;B[jg] ;W[kg]) (;B[ji] ;W[kh] ;B[jj] (;W[hf]) (;W[if]) (;W[li] ;B[jl] ;W[hf])))) (;B[ji])) (;B[dj]C[this is a better response by black (according to Chao Huang). now its difficult for white to run in good shape])) (;W[cb]C[i could secure life in the corner but black would close me in and become too strong in the center] ;B[fi])) (;W[ep] ;B[fq] ;W[bp] ;B[bo] ;W[bq] ;B[cn] ;W[ds])) (;B[eq]C[this is better])) (;W[jq])) (;W[md]C[maybe white should push here straight away and take advantage of the weakness (according to Chao Hwang aka HFL)])) (;B[md]C[black has to play here and stay thick on the outside (according to Jun Fan 7d)] ;W[oc] ;B[nd] ;W[nb] ;B[ob] ;W[ma] (;B[ib] ;W[pc]C[this is jungsuk, black is very thick]) (;B[pb] ;W[ib] ;B[qd] ;W[qe] ;B[qc] ;W[hc] ;B[id] ;W[pi]C[also possible]))) (;W[mc] ;B[md] ;W[oc] ;B[nb] ;W[nd] ;B[ob] ;W[pb] ;B[qc] ;W[pc] ;B[ne] ;W[od] ;B[jc] ;W[mb] ;B[kb] ;W[oa])) (;B[nq])) (;B[ef]C[black could destroy my shape and make my group heavy] ;W[dg] ;B[fg]) (;B[dg] ;W[df] ;B[ef] ;W[ee] ;B[ff] ;W[dd])) (;B[dd]C[this migh be better for black as now i cant break out with E13])) (;W[cc]C[this may be the best move] ;B[df] ;W[db] ;B[ec] ;W[eb] ;B[fc] ;W[lc]) (;W[df] ;B[ef] ;W[ee] ;B[ed] ;W[fe] ;B[eg] ;W[cc] ;B[dd] ;W[gd]C[seems possible for white])) (;B[ch] ;W[df] ;B[ce] ;W[be]))