Ireland vs Grenoble – How it happened…

This Monday took place a fabulous event : the first of a set of Friendly Team Matches between Ireland and some famous French clubs!

We had the extreme honour of having a live comment of the 11 games by GoPro Yeon Woo, Korean 2p from Korea who is both a fab player and a very lively and funny commentator.
Camille Leveque was the organizer on the French side and had designed a lovely poster for the event.

The players on the french side were all part of the Grenoble Go school and therefore were under scrutiny of their teachers 😉

We managed to have a nice set of pairings for 11 simultaneous even games, and after everybody gathered with a raising tension in the OGS room, all games started right on time! Yeon Woo had to wake up at 4pm to do this review live and this added up to the “extraordinarity” of the event!

All players played super seriously and there were some massive fights.
A few games saw some unexpected typical online events (let’s not call that “doing a ShinJinseo”): on board 11, Philippine who was ahead before the final count but was playing for the first time on OGS didn’t manage to pass and lost on time, Aubin miscliked in the very early fuseki while trying to enlarge his screen and both players never managed to undo.
Many games saw some big dead groups, and a few games saw massive come back.
The two top boards were actually in this very unusual situation where the Irish players on both boards had captured a group, securing a firm lead, just to let the groups back to life by loosing an outside bunch of stones a few moves later leading to an early resign.

The final result was the best we could expect : a close one!
France won 6 to 5 which, for sure, made the teachers happy and proud of the students, but Ireland team was quite pleased with the result too, knowing how strong french players are on the european scene.
Yeon Woo stream gathered more than 130 viewers with at least 6 different countries speaking together on the very active chat.

I would like to highlight on the Irish side the very solid game of Chin on Board 10 : her opponent was very tough for a 16k and she deservedly kept a 15 points lead with a very ambitious moyo strategy.

You can find below the 11 pairings, results, game links, and the link to Yeon Woo streaming.
Now the Irish team will get ready for a similar event in January against Aligre club!

Again a massive thank you to the whole Club de Grenoble team and to Camille Leveque and YeonWoo for the amazing opportunity, organisation and support.

The live stream from Go Pro Yeon woo (like and share!)

Pairing, games and results :

BOARD 1 – Result: FR +R
Camille Leveque (KyamiRefur) – 1d
vs James Hutchinson (jameshut) – 1d

BOARD 2 – Result: FR +R
Benoit Robichon (Benoit.R) – 1k
vs Gavin Rooney (roon3y10) – 1d

BOARD 3 Result: FR +R
Nicolas Robichon (Pizza_with_2_z) – 1k
vs Matei Garcia (rachelp92) – 1d

BOARD 4 – Result: IR +R
Lucien Radal (Orionor) – 3k
vs Alex Delogu (32AD) – 1k

BOARD 5 – Result: IR +R
Theo Barrollet (theob) – 5k
vs Peter Kasko (kaskai) – 4k

BOARD 6 – Result: IR +30.5
Thibaut Perrin (tiboper1) – 6k
vs (shinuito) – 7k

BOARD 7 – Result: FR +R
Aubin Josi (Tarko42) – 10k
vs Ruari McCluskey (ranoar) – 8k

BOARD 8 – Result: FR +36.5
Baptiste Legouix (Cart3sianBear) – 11k
vs Michele Renaut (Dabulette) – 9k

BOARD 9 – Result: FR +34.5
Alban Rodary (prosody) – 12k
vs Roy Palmer (gobi1) – 9k

BOARD 10 – Result: IR +23.5
Benjamin Crinquant (BenjaminCrinquant) – 15k
vs Chin Koay (deidaraimu) – 16k

BOARD 11 – Result: IR +T
Philippine de Lattre (Phil.dl) – 20k
vs Clara Flinter (cflinter) – 20k

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