(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi] PW[Roberto Morrison]PB[Terence McSweeney]WR[1d]BR[1d]DT[2008-11-10]EV[3rd Korean Prime Ministers Cup]RO[3rd]PC[Kintex, Goyan , South Korea]WT[Switzerland]BT[Ireland]RE[B+15.50] ;B[pd] ;W[dp] ;B[pp] ;W[dc] ;B[de] ;W[fc] ;B[cc] ;W[cd] ;B[dd] ;W[bc] ;B[cb] ;W[db] (;B[bd]C[this is a bad move, see variation for the joseki] ;W[ce] ;B[bb] ;W[cf] ;B[fe] ;W[hc] ;B[df] ;W[cg] (;B[ac]C[i have to capture, otherwise white can kill the corner] ;W[dg] ;B[fg] ;W[fh]C[this move is bad by white, gives black chance to make good shape ] ;B[gh] ;W[eg]LB[fi:A]C[this move is bad by white as it allows black to atari at A] ;B[fi]LB[ff:B][eh:A]C[it is difficult for white to choose between A and B now] ;W[ff] ;B[eh]C[white has no good move] (;W[gg] ;B[gf] ;W[fh] ;B[ec] (;W[eb] ;B[fg] ;W[ef] ;B[hg]C[this is a terrible result for white] ;W[cj] ;B[fq] ;W[fp] ;B[gp] ;W[gq] ;B[er] ;W[dq] ;B[hq] ;W[gr] ;B[hr] ;W[go] ;B[hp] ;W[fr] ;B[eq] ;W[ep] ;B[dr] ;W[cr] ;B[fs]TR[go][dp][ep][fp][dq]SQ[fi]C[it is clear that white made a bad oseki choice. the thickness he gained is useless due to the presence of blacks ponnuki's] (;W[qf] ;B[qh] ;W[ph] ;B[pi] ;W[pg] ;B[nc] ;W[qi] ;B[qj] ;W[ri] ;B[pj] ;W[rj] ;B[rk] ;W[rh]C[black is now ahead] ;B[dl] (;W[ek] ;B[el] ;W[fk] (;B[fo]C[this is a poor move by black, h7 is the correct way] ;W[fn] ;B[eo] ;W[dn] ;B[gn] ;W[en] ;B[fl] ;W[gm] ;B[hn] ;W[gl] ;B[dk] ;W[dj]C[i thought there was some potential to break through here, but clearly there is nothing black can do. this poor exchange from black suddenly made the game a lot more difficult] ;B[gk] ;W[hk] ;B[gj] ;W[ej] ;B[il]C[now all i can do is try to make a wall on the outside to increase the size of my moyo in the lower right] ;W[nq]C[white did not realise that j8 was sente however] ;B[fm] ;W[hl] ;B[ik] ;W[hj] ;B[ij] ;W[hi] ;B[ii] ;W[cl] (;B[hh] ;W[ck] ;B[gi] ;W[pr] ;B[np] ;W[mq] ;B[mp] ;W[qq] ;B[qp] ;W[rp] ;B[ro] ;W[rq] ;B[lq] ;W[lr] ;B[kq] ;W[kr] ;B[nh]C[black has enough to win]) (;B[cm]C[this is possible for black but i was too nervous to play it, i didnt want to take the risk])) (;B[gm]C[now the game is over])) (;W[bl]) (;W[cl]) (;W[fl] ;B[ek] ;W[fk] ;B[ej] ;W[nq]C[this is possible for white (according to pro)])) (;W[ss] ;B[cl]C[black has the possibility to invade very deeply])) (;W[fg] ;B[eb]C[this is also a bad result for white but may be bettwer than the game])) (;W[gf]TR[fg][eh][gh][fi]C[the ponnuki is very strong, will make the rest of the game hard for white])) (;B[eh] ;W[ac]C[corner is dead])) (;B[ce] ;W[bd] ;B[be] ;W[bb] (;B[cj]) (;B[ci])))