(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[3x30 byo-yomi] PW[Raphael Shin]PB[Terence McSweeney]WR[7d]BR[1d]DT[2008-11-10]RO[Round4]PC[Kintex, Goyang, South Korea]WT[Australia]BT[Ireland]RE[W+Resign] ;B[pd] ;W[dp] ;B[pp] ;W[dc] ;B[de] ;W[dh] ;B[gd] ;W[ee] ;B[ef] ;W[fe] ;B[dd] ;W[ec] (;B[ff]C[pushing here is wrong] ;W[ge] ;B[cc] ;W[cb] ;B[bd] ;W[bc] ;B[cd] ;W[bb] ;B[gf] ;W[he] ;B[dm] ;W[dk] ;B[fm] ;W[fp] ;B[fk] ;W[cg] ;B[cf] ;W[eg] ;B[gh] ;W[bf] ;B[df] ;W[be] ;B[bh] ;W[bg] (;B[jp] ;W[hp] ;B[in] ;W[pn] ;B[np] ;W[qp] ;B[qq] ;W[qo] ;B[rq] ;W[pk] (;B[jg] ;W[kd] (;B[nd]C[now black has all but lost] ;W[jq] ;B[kq] ;W[iq] ;B[kp] ;W[co] ;B[id]C[this invasion holds some potential for black] ;W[ie] ;B[je] ;W[jd] ;B[ic] ;W[jb] ;B[ke] ;W[ib] ;B[ed] ;W[fd] ;B[ld] ;W[lc] ;B[mc] ;W[gc] ;B[lb] ;W[ig] ;B[hg] ;W[if] (;B[jc] ;W[ih] ;B[hj] ;W[re] ;B[qf]TR[pk][pn][qo][qp]C[i played this way in an attempt to affect whites marked group] ;W[rf] ;B[qg] ;W[qc] (;B[rk]C[it was difficult to know the right point for attack and this is probably pretty bad] ;W[qk] (;B[rm] ;W[rj] ;B[ql] ;W[pl] ;B[sn] ;W[qm] ;B[rl] ;W[rh] ;B[om] ;W[pm] ;B[qj] ;W[pi] ;B[ri] ;W[pj] ;B[sj] ;W[qh] (;B[qe] ;W[rg] ;B[ci] ;W[ck] ;B[bm] ;W[ej] ;B[bk] ;W[bj] ;B[cl]C[unfortunately i have no more moves recorded. black eventually resigned]) (;B[rg] ;W[sg] ;B[sh]C[maybe such a ko is possible, especially since it could mean losing the corner if white were to lose the ko])) (;B[rj]C[this is probably a more effective move] ;W[qi] ;B[qj] ;W[pj] ;B[pi]C[this may be possible] (;W[ri] ;B[qh]) (;W[ph] ;B[oi] ;W[qh] (;B[rm]) (;B[qm] ;W[rl] ;B[rm] ;W[ql] ;B[pm])))) (;B[qi] ;W[rk] (;B[qm]) (;B[rn]))) (;B[ih]C[this is the only move, closing white in])) (;B[qi]C[again this move it important])) (;B[qi]C[again such an approach is best, taking advantage of white high position. there will be a possibility to attack the white group after this move])) (;B[hq]C[this approach is best])) (;B[ed] ;W[fd] ;B[fc]C[this is the only option. white is now in trouble as there is no ladder breaker] ;W[ge]C[white must play here as the ladder is unfavourable] ;B[cc] ;W[fb] ;B[gc] ;W[cb] ;B[bb]C[difficult position for white]))