2014 Irish Go Congress – Celebrating 25 Years

The 2014 Irish Go Congress
February 14th-16th
The Teachers Club
36 Parnell Square West
Dublin 1
teachers club wide-angle - small

The Teachers Club

Celebrating 25 years of Go in Ireland, The Irish Go Association in association with The UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland is pleased to present the 2014 Irish Go Congress. As usual, the Congress will take place at the Teachers Club in the heart of Dublin’s city centre, and will comprise of two tournaments:
– The Rapid
– The Confucius Cup
The Rapid
The Rapid, to be held on the Friday evening, will follow a Swiss format with time allowances reducing each round.

The Confucius Cup
The IGA is grateful for the sponsorship of the main tournament, The 3rd Confucius Cup, by the UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland. The Confucius Cup will be a 5-round MacMahon format tournament, with three rounds played on Saturday and the two remaining rounds on Sunday.
It will be a class A tournament for EGF ratings purposes.
Main time will be one hour plus overtime of 15 stones in 5 minutes Canadian or 5 periods of 30 seconds byo-yomi.

The following cash amounts will be awarded to the top five finishers of the Confucius Cup:
1st place – €400
2nd place – €300
3rd place – €200
4th place – €100
5th place – €50

Fri 14th Feb 19:00 17th Irish Rapid Play Round 1
19:45 Round 2
20:30 Round 3
21:15 Round 4
22:00 Round 5
Sat 15th Feb 09:00 Tournament registration
10:00 3rd Confucius Cup Round 1
14:00 Confucius Cup Round 2
17:00 Confucius Cup Round 3
20:30 Dinner
Sun 16th Feb 10:30 Confucius Cup Round 4
13:30 Confucius Cup Round 5
16:30 Prizegiving
18:30 Dinner

Internet Broadcasting
The top board from each round will be broadcasted on the KGS server, look for user ‘IGA’ in the active games tab. A video stream will also be broadcasted on UStream.

Registration is now open for the Congress, with discounted entry fees for those who register and pay before February 1st, 2014. The standard entry fee will remain set at €25 for The Confucius Cup tournament, and €10 for the Rapid. The early registration discount will be €5 for visitors. Irish residents will receive a €3 discount for either registering early or being a member of the IGA, and a €5 discount if both conditions apply. Students and the unemployed can avail of the concession rate of €12 for early entry, €15 on or after February 1st.
To register, fill in the online form or else email the tournament director, Rory Wales, with your name, contact email address, entry rank, and club. Entry fees may be paid by bank transfer, Paypal (rorywales@gmail.com), or cheque – please indicate if you want to pay by bank transfer in your email and I will provide you with the necessary bank details. Cheques (in euro only) can be posted to 25 Elm House, Sussex Rd, Dublin 4, Ireland. If you choose to send cash through the mail, it is entirely at your own risk.
Watch this space for further details or email the Tournament Director, Rory Wales, to be added to the mailing list for updates.
A list of registered players can be found here. The results from last year’s tournament are here.

Several accommodation options are listed on this Google Map. Across the road from the Teachers Club are several hotels and guesthouses, for instance the Charles Stewart. One hostel we have had players use in the past is Dublin City Bunkhouse. A few players have also opted to rent an apartment with airbnb.com and staydublin.com. Another website is visitdublin.com.

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